Anicca stands for impermanence. It is the belief that nothing lasts forever. The only constant is change.


Loving you is like a time bomb that's missing its ticker. I never know when we're going to blow up.

Loving you is like a flower in a vase, wilting petal by petal.

Or an unopened parcel lying on the front stoop of an empty house.

Loving you is like reading a book I borrowed from a friend.
I laugh through a couple of pages, shed tears on a couple more, press my bookmark into chapter 18 and put you away so that I don't reach the end too quickly.

Loving you is like ice cream that's melting too fast in the sun.

Poetry by Inspired
Read 323 times
Written on 2021-10-25 at 23:13

Tags Love  Impermanence  Change 

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