
Sweet as honey,
Swirling luxury
Round your tongue.
The taste of sheer pleasure,
A fleeting happiness,
As your brain connects
With a lifetime of sweetness.

But my nutritionist
Admonishes "No sugar!
It gives nothing!"
But she is so mistaken!
It gives such reassurance,
Instant happiness.
An immediate lift
If you are tired
Or down.

And it all begins with
A suckling babe
Snoozing contentedly,
Imbibing sugar
With mothers' milk,

Poetry by Esti D-G
Read 333 times
Written on 2022-01-17 at 12:40

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one trick pony The PoetBay support member heart!
I love your holistic approach to this sweet and primal indulgence!

D G Moody The PoetBay support member heart!
Hi Esti D-G

I liked your poem, it tripped nicely - just like the sugar on the tongue; and of course, we are born liking it.
