Introspective on my birthday.

Bad Stuff, Good Stuff

I've done so much
Bad stuff,
But the good news is,
I've also done so much
Good stuff.
Good things,
Bad things.

I've introduced
To their husbands,
Saved toddlers
From drowning,
From on-coming busses,
From falling out of windows.

I've made people
Laugh till they
I've made people

Puce with rage,
I can provoke
The mildest mouse
To murder.

I've lied
I've stolen
From the best.

Only last week,
I resisted
The irresistable,
A silver spoon
From Prince Charles' kitchen.

How I longed
To own it,
Amongst the Highgrove
Topiary of his emerald
China teacups.

Poetry by Esti D-G
Read 1443 times
Written on 2009-06-23 at 18:42

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Kathy Lockhart
your poetry brings good stuff in the way of it's pure honest expressions. You get an applaud from this one who knows of the battles that can go on inside oneself. : ) kathy

someone else
as the scripture goes "one sin destroyeth much good."
goodness counts nothing as long as you yet have not made up for the mistakes.

This a lovely poem u should make sure that ur good stuff weighs more than your bad stuff. Very simple poem its good

Wonderful retrospective Esti!! The trick is to steal the spoon, then publicly to accept responsibility for your actions. It works for presidents ;-)
Happy Birthday!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Stan Cooper The PoetBay support member heart!
Esti...enjoyed this write...It's an interesting poem...
Just one question...

"I've introduced
To their husbands"

Was that good stuff or bad stuff

xxx Stan

Rob Graber
And this is good stuff! Happy Birthday!

melanie sue
Awesome writing and I love it, epspecially the raw honesty.