My Little Mum
Flipping through old photos of youYour beaming face and jet black hair
I can imagine there was a time or a moment when you were truly happy
My little mum
always full of warm, solid hugs
those warm hands squeezing "I love you's" while I fell asleep
the sparkling eyes always ready with a mischievous comment
the solid borders I rebelled against
always knowing with you I was safe
My little mum
slowly fading, disappearing
underneath the dunes of your own creation
the sparkle going dull
stuck in cycles and circles of never remembering
My little mummy
I honor who you were
I love you
I miss you
I wish I could bring you a happier life
I wish I could bring you back to us
my little mum
Poetry by SecretWords
Read 269 times
Editors' choice
Written on 2022-08-18 at 06:28
Tags Dementia  Hoarding  Mother 
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