I've been told I have high expectations. But really it's quite simple.

High Expectations

I want you
to take care of me
To know
which cough syrup
is my favourite
And when to fill up
the hot water bottle

I'll need you
to take the car out
10 mins before
I'm ready
to leave the party
And never ask me
why I still hang out
with these people

I want you to know
which music to play
when I can't fall sleep
And how to hold me
while I'm crying

I want you to listen
to me rant about work
and remember the names
of the co-workers
that drive me up the wall

I need you to like
the parts of me
that I'm not very fond of
To remind me that perfection
is not something an adult
can achieve

But most of all,
I want you
to allow me to love you.

Poetry by Inspired
Read 126 times
Written on 2024-02-22 at 12:56

Tags Needs  Love  Partnership 

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jim The PoetBay support member heart!
"High Expectations" seems less severe than "Demands," your earlier title I believe.

Either way, this is such a clear list of wants, ending with what is most important—and done with crystal clear writing. No ambiguity!