I don't advocate for
The death sentence
But if you deliberately go out to kill......


As a child I never found my click,
I always had a sheaf knive.
But I never used it to kill,
To me that sounds just sick.

Theres nothing about knives,
That gives me a thrill.
If it did then I guess,
I would think I was ill.

Then again as a teenager,
Would I consider myself sick.
If I could buy a knife online,
Just to join the double click.

I feel that kier starmer,
has got this more than wrong.
For would they think before killing,
If in the end there was a hanging.

Poetry by Alan J Ripley The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 57 times
Written on 2025-01-22 at 15:34

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D G Moody The PoetBay support member heart!
Also, if the knife carriers, mostly young kids, could get their hands on firearms, there would be even more deaths.

Lawrence Beck The PoetBay support member heart!
Two points: if we execute someone, we also become murderers, and the death penalty isn't a deterrent because most killers aren't thinking rationally.