Poetry: My Heart, My Soul, My Voice

My poetry is the voice of my soul,
My poetry is what makes me whole.

A single word becomes many more,
On wings of ink and a pen I soar.

I live in poetry, in my magic realm,
It calls my name and in it I delve.

I have poured out my smiles, I have poured out my fears,
My pen has been my sword, and my ink has been my tears.

Words can be beautiful, if only you will try,
The paper can absorb your heart, whether you smile or you cry.

When you can feel the pain, and you can feel the joy,
You have felt the magic of a poet's special world.

Dreams and nightmares come alive with paper and some ink,
If only you open up your eyes, and use your soul to think.

My ink and my pen are the music of my heart,
Sometimes I just don't know how to start.

Poetry itself is its own magic world,
And it all starts out with one magic word.

Poetry is my heart, and poetry is my soul,
Poetry is the voice inside, the one that makes me whole.

Catherine Stout
11:19 PM

Poetry by Catherine Stout
Read 1229 times
star mini Editors' choice
Written on 2006-07-23 at 05:34

Tags Poetry 

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Editorial Team The PoetBay support member heart!
This text has been chosen to be featured on the front page of PoetBay. Thank you for posting it on our poetry web site.

on wings of ink, indeed. you fly here...

good job summing up what poetry is for many. to not write, for those of us with souls so possessed with thought (using soul to think)... is to cease existence.

well done, my poet friend~

troll :)

night soul woman The PoetBay support member heart!
A very well written and expressed poem about the magical world of a poet :)

I particularly loved those Lines:
"If only you open up your eyes, and use your soul to think."

Thank you for sharing your thoughts and wisdom with us on poetbay.com :)

Beautiful write... Really beautiful. I think we all kinda share the same experiences with poetry... :)

Excellent, poetry is such a great & healthy outlet to life!