i dunno... another song.

Diary of a Stolen Heart

dear diary,

he ripped out and stole my heart.
this part of me is dead.
don't tell me, i know
it's not all in my head.

some things in this world
i just can't change.
so who's going to save me?
just go ahead, turn the page.

here we go again.
my life's waiting to begin.
so here i am.
my life's waiting to begin.

i can't do this again.
he's gone for good.
he's left me for that girl.
just like i knew he would.

my body is tied to a chair
with ropes made of steel
it's not what's really happening,
it's only what i feel.

here we go again.
my life's waiting to begin.
so here i am.
my life's waiting to begin...
then again, maybe not.

cross my heart's burning bridge
to get to other side.
that's where i'll leave
tonight and say good bye.

my knight in shining armour turned out to be a liar in tin foil...

leaving tonight

Poetry by kata
Read 2602 times
star mini Editors' choice
Written on 2006-07-24 at 22:25

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I like this.. great work =)

Hmmm. I didn't know tin foil didn't crinkle enuf to look like armor... lol. Seriously though, great job!

Ohhhhhh heck...you know, I wasn't sure whether to laugh or cry at this, which is why I enjoyed it so much. It is so life like..the phrase a liar in tin foil just sealed the deal..this was A one in my book, Barbie