
Here I am
Stuck in this capsule again
Going 600 miles per hour
While the rest of the cabin is asleep -
Dreaming dreams they'll never dream on solid ground.
Outside the window, all I see is the black night sky.
A sky as black as the heart I left back home;
With a face now unmatched in my mind.
Blips of light come off the end of the wing
Like a pulse,
A slow, dull pulse.
My slow, dull pulse.
The problem
Of a problem
Of a problem
That seems impossible to fix.
And the A340-300 keeps gliding near effortlessly
At 600 miles per hour.
And I wait.
I wait for an arrival that will never be.

Words by kata
Read 1068 times
Written on 2013-01-05 at 21:57

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These thoughts may be universal, I don't know, but they definitely hit a chord with me. Well written, kata.