A little gym motivation I use for myself..

A Little Motivation!!!!

This time no instructions
maybe a couple of tidbits
but if you joined a gym
you have all the instructions
you need there's the weights
hit it

The best workout you ever had
awaits you everytime
you're about to take it farther
then you ever have leave
any doubts behind

Whoa that bar looks heavy
but not too heavy for you
your arms already hurts
from the last workout and
they hurt more after this one

Get Ready, put on those gloves
set up your lifting straps
don't forget your lifting belt
especially if you're doing heavy back

Man this is going to be a doozy
and don't lie to yourself it's going
to hurt
but if not for the pain and the unbelievable
effort how would you know if you
put in work

Bend over set your straps
stretch your back
this is it count to 5
the weight is waiting

LIFT!!, one
Heavier than you first figured
LIFT!!!, two
so this is what it takes to get bigger

LIFT!!!, Three
Oh man this already hurts like hell
LIFT!!!, Four
there's only one option and
it's not fail

LIFT!!!, five
OK I'm starting to give
LIFT!!, Six
No Way, this is the way you wanted to live

LIFT!!!, seven
Oh SH&* I'm about to blackout
LIFT!!!!, eight
I'm here now no time to back out

OK Drop!!
That was a great set
stretch it out
you've got nothing left

Your body is shaking
that ached down to the core
and just think tomorrow
it's back for more

Where's your workout book?
which set was that the fourth or fifth
you can barely remember your own name
guess that's why they call it a deadlift

M.A.S.S.=Muscles Adding Size & Strength


Poetry by Will
Read 535 times
star mini Editors' choice
Written on 2006-08-01 at 14:35

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Editorial Team The PoetBay support member heart!


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night soul woman The PoetBay support member heart!
a wonferful text about training and perhaps a metaphor about how we should handle difficulties that come in our way? is all obsticales just in our brain? and yes indeed every time we go through a difficult process we come out stronger! and that adds up in our M.A.S.S.=Muscles Adding Size & Strength*bookmarked*/