A poem describing my feelings about the grieving process after the death of my husband.

On Wings of Faith

Wrapped in a cocoon of pain, fear, doubt, and confusion,
I spent many lonely days struggling to break free;
But only when the process was completed,
Was I able to accept what was to be.

As God patiently worked His miracle,
The transformation was steady and sure;
'Though I sometimes wondered, "How much longer?'
And how much pain I could endure.

On the outside, the conflict unseen,
Silent screams of fury unheard;
But on the inside, His love was constant,
Violent storms calmed with a gentle word.

Until finally, a tiny ray of hope,
Like the breaking of a new day,
Then gradually I'm a little stronger,
And finally, the cocoon starts to break away.

Exhusted from the recent effort,
For a while, I rest and bask in the sun;
Then a gentle Voice says, "Look around you,
There's so much work to be done.

I've created you for a purpose,
Now spread your wings and fly,
Trust me and let me guide you,
Don't worry about 'how' or 'why'."

Slowly my new wings start to flutter,
A passing breeze gives me a lift;
Suddenly I'm airborne and soaring,
My wings of faith are my gift.

A butterfly is my symbol of new life,
A reminder of how far I've come;
As I reach for heights never dreamed of,
And thank God for what He has done.

Poetry by Marlene
Read 1170 times
Written on 2006-08-09 at 22:49

Tags Faith  Butterfly  Cocoon 

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Beautiful write of love, pain and faith. I love butterflies too...
Love these lines:
"Slowly my new wings start to flutter,
A passing breeze gives me a lift;
Suddenly I'm airborne and soaring,
My wings of faith are my gift."
Welcome to the bay!