Written three years after my husband's death. I was just beginning a new job.

Looking Back

As I begin a new phase of my life,
Looking back, I can see just how far I've come.
From the tears, the pain, the fear,
To the acceptance that you're really gone.

It hasn't been easy, this lonely new life,
There were day, I doubted I'd survive.
At times life has been so overwhelming,
I wondered why I should evern try.

After nearly three years, I still miss you terribly,
I suppose deep inside, I always will,
But I've proven to myself what you always told me,
I could go on without you, and still;

I find myself wondering what you would think,
Of this new path I'm venturing down.
I think you'd approve and be happy for me,
And proud of the new strength I've found.

Poetry by Marlene
Read 1089 times
Written on 2006-08-16 at 03:59

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