This was written shortly after the First Anniversary of my husband's death.
The unpredictable moods and emotions of grief.
Some days, I feel so good, I think that the worst is past,
Then, some little something will knock me down again;
To scream, or cry, then pray for some relief.
At times, the pain is almost unbearable,
Mostly, though, it's just a steady dull ache.
Some days, I'm able to function quite well,
And take care of things that I'm responsible for.
But some days, I'm like a zombie, barely aware of anything,
Except the empty hole where my heart used to be.
One year seems to be the "magical" number for recovery,
Then you're supposed to be "over it".
Lose someone you really love, and then tell me that again!
One short year, or the rest of my life, will not be long enough,
You were the most important part of my life, for 2/3 of my life;
Not something I'll ever "get over".
Poetry by Marlene
Read 966 times
Written on 2006-08-16 at 03:34
Tags Grief  Recovery 
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The Ups and Downs
I haven't been prepared for these ups and downs,The unpredictable moods and emotions of grief.
Some days, I feel so good, I think that the worst is past,
Then, some little something will knock me down again;
To scream, or cry, then pray for some relief.
At times, the pain is almost unbearable,
Mostly, though, it's just a steady dull ache.
Some days, I'm able to function quite well,
And take care of things that I'm responsible for.
But some days, I'm like a zombie, barely aware of anything,
Except the empty hole where my heart used to be.
One year seems to be the "magical" number for recovery,
Then you're supposed to be "over it".
Lose someone you really love, and then tell me that again!
One short year, or the rest of my life, will not be long enough,
You were the most important part of my life, for 2/3 of my life;
Not something I'll ever "get over".
Poetry by Marlene
Read 966 times
Written on 2006-08-16 at 03:34
Tags Grief  Recovery 
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