our nicknames

i've been thinking about
how you used call me yours

though you always kept me
on an arm lengths distance

and it's been years
since i turned around and left

i think you called it for one of my fits
i think i called you an idiot

and even though i get lost sometimes
between the shelf's of vacuum bags
and cat litter
i'll never forget
what you called me
when i cried

Poetry by MadinSane
Read 1158 times
Written on 2006-08-16 at 10:20

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Eli The PoetBay support member heart!
But this is the coolest... so far.

Amanda K
yes as they say " they may forget what you say but will never forget how you made them feel" agree with you and get over it.

betsy Firefly
Namecalling - not 'lovetaps'. but destryeing arrows sent out to hurt, but end up killing whatever once was there.

In English translation, as well as in Swedish original, this poem is so very YOU - with final lines that hit right in the middle of one's heart.
It's great to see you here again, J!