please help me out with this one

when all was me

it was the night with shattered glass
I never cut myself on
but always kept against the back of my head

[and I saw differences in the similarities]

it was the footsteps
in the staircase
that never lead the way in
I asked you to follow
all the way outside
when I cried

[cause you never were to find similarities in the differences]


it was the night
when the grey in your hair
shined white
against all that was you

[and I was drunk on memories and home-distilled]

there where shreds and blood
that was thinner than water
when I sat with a hang over
and cried a storm in my hourglass


it is that night again
when I was thrown against the walls
all the way out to the car
and all those miles too near by
that held me too close

and I see
how some people
doesn't make an impression
even in their children

[it was the night when I drank 'till I ruptured]

when I had you to thank
for all that never was
and the fact that nothing ever lasts

Poetry by MadinSane
Read 1315 times
Written on 2006-01-02 at 18:34

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thank you for sharing this poem
so deep ,so much pain
i can really feel the emtion

betsy Firefly
Perhaps you drank too much.That home-destilled can get to a person real bad. Did you recover? :-0

otteri selvakumar
I was enjoyed this poem reading...every one read is something making myheart...