This is a true story of my father who was a farmer, and is about the only book he ever read.

The Book

The Bible was the only book that my daddy ever read.
I recall it so clearly now, these many years he has been dead.
Daddy was a simple man with a family to raise.
The crops in the field and a loving wife was all that he craved.

Too many times fathers leave their children aside.
But Daddy always looked at each of us with pride.
He told his sons to never raise their hands,
in anger or to strike their wives but to use them for the lands.

Many times my father would walk down a long road.
And he alway could carry well, a heavy load.
But the thing that I marveled at was the book he could read.
Daddy chose the Bible in him there was no greed.

The sorrow of losing his first born son in a car wreck.
And the times when the crops did not come in but he still gave it heck.
I saw him wipe away the sweat from his brow.
And then he would go and bring back many a lost cow.

The Bible was the only book that my daddy ever read.
He would read it aloud until he went to bed.
I hope that he is smiling up there in heaven.
And rejoice with all his brothers and sisters who numbered eleven.

Maybe some would think it hokey of me when I say.
That he and my momma would for me pray.
A child needs a firm foundation in life if they are to lead.
The Bible was the only book that my daddy would read.

Poetry by Judy T Lloyd
Read 1190 times
Written on 2006-09-04 at 03:02

Tags Family  Spiritual  Love 

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Michael G
your father sounded like a great man, and what a better book to read than the bible!

Leif H T Strand
I feel that there is lot's of work with this text.
It doesn't feel all ready.

keith nunes
marvellous piece. strong poem for a strong man. hats off!