I am using a form of three words in three lines of each verse.


He was blameless
yet they said
to crucify him.

So he hung
on the tree
where he died.

For our sins
to make us
blameless for them.

When he arose
it was the
women who saw.

That indeed he
was the risen
son of God.

Where he shall
reign in heaven
with the Father.

Poetry by Judy T Lloyd
Read 1350 times
Written on 2007-04-08 at 02:23

Tags Spiritual  Easter  Holiday 

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betsy Firefly
Thanks, Judy! May God bless you!

wonderful message

A good piece though perhaps not having periods in some sections? some of the verse carries on from the previous verse, here for example:

where he died.

For our sins

and here

women who saw.

That indeed he

it would read more smoothly if you took away the periods there.

son of God.

Where he shall

here perhaps a comma rather than a period?