We have children's church in our church. So last week the teacher asked the children if they knew where the bunny got the eggs. This is the actual answer.

The Easter Bunny.

The wise teacher explained about Palm Sunday.
However he was in a quandry.
So he posed a question to the little lads and lassies.
"Where do you think the Easter Bunny got the eggs?" He said while not being sassy.
To everyone amusement and to the teachers surprise.
"Why I suppose his mom bought them at Walmart!"
A little boy said with excited eyes.
Everyone laughed with glee.
This little boy made church history.

Poetry by Judy T Lloyd
Read 1453 times
Written on 2007-04-09 at 01:05

Tags Humor  Children  Church 

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Kathy Lockhart
i love the words of wisdom from the young ones. I used to teach children's church and nursery. It was always an adventure in learning for this teacher. this is great!

betsy Firefly
Straight from the mouth of a babe...

Very sweet. Thanks for sahring! Hope to read more by you.
