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Member since 2006-08-24
Has written 113 comments

Has received 7 applauds


I am married to a wonderful man and we have one daughter aged 37. We have fur children, our dogs and one bird. I am a three time cancer survivor that collects gemstones. I not only write but I make cameos, and other gemstone jewelry. My interests are many to include going to the fleamarkets. Sometimes I just like to browse stores. I get inspiration from many things. To date I have written six novels and I am working on another one about my wacky family. It is not the Walton's for sure. I have also written close to five hundred poems. Some okay and some that best remain buried.

Judy T Lloyd

77 years old from

MY TEXTS, Archive 33 Texts

Lay Down Beside Me. (3) - 2008-02-01
Lamentations To Virginia Tech (5) - 2007-04-16
The Easter Bunny. (2) - 2007-04-09
He. (4) - 2007-04-08
Happy Birthday Poets. (3) - 2007-03-02
Chocolate, Old Friends and Love. (4) - 2007-02-12
Anna Nicole Smith. (5) - 2007-02-10
This New Year (4) - 2007-01-06
Gall bladders (3) - 2006-11-15
A Romance In Rhyme (3) - 2006-10-20
Oh That Smart (5) - 2006-10-13
Sampson The Dog (9) - 2006-10-05
I Do Not Know Why? (3) - 2006-10-04
Pay Attention To Tests (4) - 2006-09-28
My Buddy and Me. (7) - 2006-09-21
To Bide Farewell. (4) - 2006-09-19
Billy and Pat (1) - 2006-09-18
Pet Peeves (3) - 2006-09-16
Night Soul Woman (5) - 2006-09-15
911 Challenge Of Hope (6) - 2006-09-11

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