An elderly friend of mine passed away yesterday after having had heart failure for over a year. Sometimes we must stop and realize that God does work his will.

To Bide Farewell.

So it is that we bid farewell to you,
now that you have passed into the blue.
The lingering night shadows have given way to the dawn.
And you have taken your flight on wings to greet the morn.
We will remember you with fondness and farewell will not be sad.
For to go on where your journey has only begun makes our hearts glad.
Take care and fly now on those wings given you.
We share a sigh in brief sorrow to bid you adieu.
The night lingers only long enough to give way,
to the hues of a new and better day.

Poetry by Judy T Lloyd
Read 1223 times
Written on 2006-09-19 at 19:04

Tags Hope  Spiritual 

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Leif H T Strand
Wery good farewell. I could even consider to use it on somebodys gravestone.

Dan Cederholm

Oh what a wonderful poem of farewell!!!

So stong and so beautiful written!!!

Regards Dan


Such a beautiful text.