The worst shooting in US history occured today in my state at Virginia Tech with 33 dead and 28 wounded. I do not know what more to say.

Lamentations To Virginia Tech

An eagle flew and looked below,
what he saw grieved him so.
There lying in blood
were those that knew not why.
They were the ones that had to die.
So it was that the great eagle
fell in lamentations to the slain.
And as he sat upon the high granite wall,
a single tear from his eye did fall.

Poetry by Judy T Lloyd
Read 1450 times
Written on 2007-04-16 at 23:50

Tags Sadness  Society  Angst 

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A nightmare come true. A tragedy and unbelievable event...
I love the poem, the eagle is brilliant.
Prayers for all those people...

lastromantichero The PoetBay support member heart!
I feel for you because of the human tradgedy and the question of who and what causes this prayers for all America

This took me back to the Hungerford Shooting in my home town some 20 years ago

complete madness
heart felt commiserations rgdas Mike

Kathy Lockhart
God help us.