A old poem, also finally revised and been sitting on my harddrive for a while, so thought I share it.

Based on the historical Novel: "Three Kingdoms"

A Princess's Loyalty

A plan was to set hold,
A secret left to be untold.
Given to the hand of the enemy,
A princess, which was she
A princess holding a flowers beauty,
Holding the "White Water Rivers' purity.
The key to unlock the plan,
To take down this virtuous man.

The plan was set.
The criteria Met.
Daughter of an Eternal Tiger,
Sister of the Forever Conqueror,
Set now to play her part,
Not knowing the real actor...
Was Thy Heart.

Thy heart stole the show,
And followed the "King" to where ever he were to go.
Back to the land of his,
Bearing farewell and adieu,
In her new found home, in the lands of Cheng Du.

A plan meant to hold,
A secret had been untold.
A trap of death now purified.
A trap of love now two hearts, unified.

Princess Wu
Came to leave the land of Chen Du.
To return to her sick mothers' side
Only to see this fact was nothing but a lie.
A trap a waited for the princess and her son
But fate was not to be done.
The Little Dragon came forth on a noble steed,
Bringing the Wu soldiers and trap to defeat.
The Lady's son went back to Shu
And there was nothing that she could do.
Princess Wu was taken back to her old home.
Leaving her "King" and son, all alone.

Tragedy once again struck to her King,
War was to be fought between Wu and Shu
On the princess's home land of Yi Ling.
Over the death of his two sworn brothers,
Zhang Fei and Guan Yu.
Princess Wu begged and pleaded to stop the upcoming fight,
But there was nothing she could do.
Only to hope and pray throughout the long autumn night.

Only as Cruel fate had come,
The Fire of Wu awoke the Dawn
Of an end of a flowers life,
To much grief, To much strife.
No more do the birds of life sing.
At the wrenching discovery of Yi ling.
Down into the river of tears, wash away thy love.
Once again, together, with the stars Above.

The plan which was set
The secret which was never kept
A Hearts' last Bow
To be at rest now.

Her Heart stole the show,
And followed her "King" to where ever he were to go.

Poetry by Jordanna
Read 1203 times
Written on 2006-09-11 at 04:21

Tags History  Love  Story 

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An excellent, epic poem--very interesting and exciting! BRAVO!