This poem came to me pondering the consequences of involving oneself with someone else's bad karma.

The Sinister Curse Surrounding A Porsche Spider

The devil's rider...

James Dean gone down in flames:

The fast and the furious--

Live fast die young...

No glory...

Said by a former drug addict--now in recovery...
Robert Downey Jr. resuming acting brilliancy...
No glamour in hitting Rock Bottom...imprisoned with the
Murderers, Rapists...

A Porsche Spider--put into different hands...
One man developed cancer, lost his job, wife, home--
He captured a piece of metal--from a car that was on
A Death Wish...

Others in possession of parts of that car--died in
Car crashes...

Never deal with dark karma...

Never surround yourself with negative energy...

Never delve into the depths of darkness--through
Contact with remnants of tragedy...
Signified by a Porsche Spider...

Poetry by Alison Clarke
Read 1187 times
Written on 2006-09-19 at 06:38

Tags Kharma  Dean  Porsche 

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Amanda K
Yes, one has to be careful otherwise his life will be in vain. A good point you have got.

lastromantichero The PoetBay support member heart!
Well yes! My father always told me the bane of the working man, fast women, slow horses and old cars. This text proves him correct in such a clever way well done rgds mike