I recently watched again, the movie Chitty Chitty Bang Bang, which is now on DVD. It brought back wonderful memories, and inspired some poetry. This will also be part of one of my poetry collections.


Chitty...Chitty...Female spirit, Dream supreme..."a fine four-fendered friend"...
Complete in victory--defeating Baron Bomburst: reminiscent of Bombast...
Shivering with the mention of being melted down, a lump of metal...
No glimpse of her former glory: winning three Grand Prix in a row--Chitty,
Champion, flying, floating only a fantasy--or is it? Soaring into the Cosmos,
Feminist Energy--motorized synergy, symbol of the Ford Motor Company...
Chitty--Classic for all Time: Memorialized in Music, Images, Colour, Singing,
and Rhyme!

Poetry by Alison Clarke
Read 1288 times
Written on 2007-06-12 at 06:02

Tags Movie  Children 

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