yeah.. it's a cool place :)

This Rock, My Rock

I know this place
I visit here often.
The familiar crevices
that held me now and then.

I recall the feeling
of being safe and secure.
Feelings given to me
by something solid and pure.

You could say that it is
just a big boulder.
But it gave me a place
to rest my head on it's shoulder.

But something has changed
it's taken on a new light.
It does not want to force me
to relive my recent fight.

The rock, my rock
is giving me a chance.
To come about on my own
to renew my old dance.

It's become a happy place of sorts
with it's glistening stones and all.
Not dredging up things from the past
that causes my mind to build walls.

It sparkles with a new
light, intimate air.
A place I can relax,
let down my hair.

This rock has been cleansed
of my sorrows and griefs.

By the waters that drank my tears.

Poetry by Mary
Read 946 times
Written on 2006-10-10 at 01:42

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david gerardino
But something has changed,i think its great to get this,,and think ,when did it happen,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,8

My favorite part=the last three lines. Actually the whole poem. But most especially those last three lines. Especially especially the last one.