Its being able to say
something, anything
without uttering a single
word past your lips

"Its being able to..."

Its being able to say
something, anything
without uttering a single
word past your lips

its being able to be
someplace, anyplace
without stepping foot past
your own threshhold

its being able to see you
somehow, anyhow
without making any
visual connection

its being able to live
someday, anyday
without it ever ending
in days too soon

sure others may find it
different but to its core
this is what we find,
faith in one another

Poetry by Justin M.
Read 1182 times
Written on 2006-10-24 at 22:28

Tags Something  Being  Faith 

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AMAzing, i liked it alot, like the wording was wonderful, and the construction of it, great job.

Zachary P. B.
believing is seeing, and so much more...

loved the idea of this... fits so well.


A beautiful poem about the power and peace of faith...lovely.

brian paglia
loved it.the most powerful motivator,able to inspire and produce passion like none other- LOVE!
It also makes for the best poetry.