im a strong advocate of saving the earth.


we deny the 3rd world countries
the chance to move up in their ranks
so 1st world countries can exploit them
just to fill their banks

flooding in costal areas
droughts in all the rest
causing famin allover
but its for the best...

the experts at the whitehouse
say "our economy's fragile too"
we can stop digging our graves
if we re-evaluate and start anew

we need to change our ways
we're the generation to step up and fight
so generations still to come
can live without a plight

Poetry by andrea
Read 1263 times
Written on 2007-01-09 at 21:30

Tags Earth 

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If only others would answer the call...
With just 4 stanzas you've delivered
something passionate and intense that
isn't overbearing.
So many people go about their days
without ever thinking of others in need.
You're obviously not one of them.
Good work, excellent poem.

Language: 3
Format: 3
Mood: 4
Overall: 4