its just a fun poem ..
I got the inspiration from alice cooper
and his song ballad of dwight fry
and his radio show, where he said xmas in rehab would be a good title for a song
but i changed to the insane asylum lol

xmas in the crazy-house

I know what they're thinking
I think it too
"has she gone mad?!"
I have yes its true.

"what did she do to herself?!"
I let myself go
they think im crazy
and they know i know they know

I hear them in the streets
I hear them everyday
I see them through the corner of my eye
they stare then look away.

I went out xmas shopping
Santa was coming in 3 days
but something happened in the mall
the men in white took me away

I guess it's getting worse
I can't think strait no more
I swear this isn't my room
and since when were there bars on my door?!

so im spending xmas in the crazy house
but im not alone
theres other people just like me
who are crazy to the bone

i just love these holidays
i like the present part the best
but this year all i got
was an ugly strait white vest

can't wait till I get outta here
can't wait till I go free
can't wait to see my crazy friends
who are all crazier then me

Poetry by andrea
Read 1250 times
Written on 2007-01-19 at 22:24

Tags Christmas  Crazy  Insane 

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