This poem is written in Arabic By a Tunisian poet “Salih El_Soisi ”
Translated Munir Mezyed



Sad between two mantras,
The teeny violins dance
And cry
The memory of their faint strings...

Slow Death

There, near an old hearth
She sits flattering what has remained
From the age of her wheat stalks
What an amazing time...!
The autumn returns so soon this year....


In such a long night like this one
What the two lovers do...?
Maybe they will smile at the Moon hidden
Behind the clouds of winter
And dream...!


I put the rose in the letter
And bestrewed some alphabets like tears
On the face of the Screen...
In the morning I opened her mail box
Thus a light gushed
And between her fingers danced one thousand butterflies...

Poetry by munir mezyed
Read 1197 times
Written on 2007-02-04 at 16:46

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Rob Graber
Wonderful! Let us have more translations (and multilingual postings) on the bay!


Beautiful poems here, Munir, thank you for translating them and posting them here! You made my heart sing with the joy of finding beauty while reading them!
Lilly xxx