Thanks to Krishna and Smruti who make me hope again.
words from "somewhere over a rainbow" from Wizard of OZ ring in my head for no reason.

I'll fall in love someday

I've only ever had broken paper hearts
I've only felt teenage angst
I still listen to love songs
And believe in romance

"Someday over a rainbow
Way up high
If birds can fly over the rainbow
Then why why can't I?"

Dono what its like to be in love
Have loved many a time
But someday over a rainbow
I'll find my Valentine.

Poetry by Parnika
Read 1824 times
Written on 2007-02-12 at 21:02

Tags Love  Hope  Dream 

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Neil Chalcraft
very very nice, a great read and a subject most can relate to
excellent poem

Language: 5
Format: 5
Mood: 5
Overall: 5

your words are heart felt and have a very sincere feeling ..I love when there are refrences to other works ... it makes a poem felt here and now ...

you write very delicatly yet strong ... that is a very wonderful combination

keep on doing your beautiful writing

best wishes

me likes! am rethinking the club...real nice poem par :)

Stine Mari Thomassen
this was very good written :)

Language: 4
Format: 5
Mood: 5
Overall: 5
