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Member since 2006-11-16
Has written 10 comments

Has received 85 applauds


42 years old from Sweden


I'm alone, I'm free (4) - 2008-03-24
My age demands me to be in love (5) - 2007-12-08
Happy birthday, God! (3) - 2007-07-26
Go on and trust me (1) - 2007-07-17
"Dear God" (6) - 2007-03-28
people say: (3) - 2007-01-18
thank you god (2) - 2007-01-11
Good night (2) - 2007-01-10
it's up to you.. (4) - 2007-01-07
we are not saying (2) - 2006-11-27

MY TEXTS, Archive 468 Texts

why I've always - 2011-08-07
I can pretend.. - 2011-08-07
I called you my love - 2011-08-07
If I should - 2011-08-07
oneway ticket - 2011-08-07
I'm here - 2011-07-23
Goodness (1) - 2011-07-22
I admire - 2011-07-22
he is jealous of me - 2011-07-22
you are - 2011-07-18
strength - 2011-07-17
that's all matters! - 2011-07-15
I love you - 2011-07-15
one-way ticket! - 2011-07-15
could you? (1) - 2011-07-14
Dilema!? - 2011-07-14
..because I love u! - 2011-06-08
This choice wasn't mine - 2011-05-30
Thanks. (2) - 2011-05-10
choose - 2011-05-07

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