What does it feel like when a person you were supposed to meet become but a lapirary mark?

Taken by the light

Whispers from beyond the mist,
Calling forth the misery,
Spawning dew from saddened faces,
I stand alone, searching the places.

Face the darkness of the past,
Only shreds of memories remain at long last,
Reach forth embracing the emptiness left behind,
Supplicate the reversal of heavens time.

You may have seen that light at the end,
Reaching it you realized,
That was our last hello,
Our last goodbye....

Unaware we waved, passing each other in our minds,
Unexpectedly today, looking at your smile,
I tearfully realize, you've been taken by the light.

Auterkeia Nihil

(Somewhere during June 2006)

Poetry by Autie
Read 1516 times
Written on 2007-03-21 at 21:22

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Amanda K
well-written dear