jesus christ was jewish

why can't i be all i want to be
i am never satisfied
i want too much perfection
i want more than i am
i wish i was prettier or taller or
if only i had perfect skin
and bigger breasts and longer legs

but i don't
so "ZVJr" is carved on my leg
i put it there because i'm ugly
can't be better
why not worse
lipstick smears on the mirror

who's that girl is that really me

snow skin
ice eyes
i'm queen of winter
i'm cold inside or maybe just empty...

(do you think you're the only one)

i feel it too.

Poetry by zovjraar
Read 718 times
Written on 2005-06-22 at 22:38

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chasingtheday The PoetBay support member heart!
i'm not sure any of us are ever truly happy with who we are in this life, we constantly make ourselves down when we search the mirror - a goodpiece here showing your feelings.