i can't

i don't know what to say i've scratched myself again
i'd like to share this pain with someone who really cares
maybe i could scare them all away then they wouldn't ask me questions
all i can say is i don't know but it doesn't seem to work

i can't be
i can't live
i can't breathe
i can't give
you have taught me all i need to know
but i still can't let go

i feel it in my veins
i drink my own blood
it tastes alright
maybe i should try a little harder
i was never good enough
or maybe i've gone as far as i can go
and they just never never noticed
eternally yours
always around
i can't seem to get my ass off the ground

i can't be
i can't live
i can't breathe
i can't give
you may have taught me all i want to know
this pain i can't let go

feel the hurt
your stomach cramps
it was all a trap and i fell for it
i may have fallen for you
can i still fall for myself
you never noticed the tattoo
but that's ok i didn't point it out to you

so maybe there's no reason
maybe i made it all up
maybe she was never really real
or maybe she just didn't have a reason to be real for me
and so my arm hurts and the blood runs down
it's actually very pretty.

Poetry by zovjraar
Read 682 times
Written on 2005-06-22 at 22:54

Tags Sadness 

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chasingtheday The PoetBay support member heart!
so many seem to turn to self harm these days, i wonder if it has always ben the case throughout the ages. good to let the pain and anger out though with poetry.

Shadow McNight
wow, the repitions is cool. although i does seem kind of smashed together like the thoughts are random, though the effect is interesting to say the least