Waiting for the winter......seen in a dream.

Ice Queen

My snow flake, my fragile queen,
Dark hair, green eyes, beauty unseen.
Fading away, to the place so old,
As you're laying to rest, dream so cold.

Kissing last kiss, to your red lips nice,
Yet are they cold, blue like ice,
Still warm is the kiss, I feel in my heart,
At this last moment, as we apart.

Forests' frosty moss, is our bed,
You're in my arms, holding your head,
This ending moment, we're drifting away,
Maybe to awake, another cold day.

I look to the north, that fateful sky,
No questions asked, no need to know why,
I'll sit here, for the end of your time,
To the icing end, you are only mine.

Soon I'll come, right after You,
Our love to beyond, is so true.
Just a moment, and we're near again,
New time for us, waits to begin.

I feel the breeze, captivating glace,
Coming over me, over my face.
At my lips, just a hint for a smile,
The icing glance, in my eyes.

Poetry by Finnman
Read 908 times
Written on 2005-11-09 at 20:44

Tags Winter  White  Queen 

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I have to say this is very nice. Well actually I liked the beginning the most. Cause this started to kind of lose the nice interesting flow it had after this far into your write...

"My snow flake, my fragile queen,
Dark hair, green eyes, beauty unseen.
Fading away, to the place so old,
As you're laying to rest, dream so cold.

Kissing last kiss, to your red lips nice,
Yet are they cold, blue like ice,
Still warm is the kiss, I feel in my heart,
At this last moment, as we apart."

That has to be the greatest part of it all. The rest I just think doesn't seem as good as that. But that's probably just me.