Heh....don't know how I got into this vampire/gothic-mode...shouldn't watch these movies ;) Well....this also is a tribute to all You gothic ladies, You sure look like every lady should. Miladys... =)

My Vampirette

Those green cat eyes
Tender and cruel
Looking behind
Hair violet and blue
Sharp and bright
Is the look in those eyes
As they drill to me
And infect my mind

Round goddess breasts
So solid and divine
Yet teasing me
Like darkness in the night
Black leather tight
Licking your every curve
Like my tongue on your thigh
Like me, You, wish to serve.

Poetry by Finnman
Read 962 times
Written on 2006-02-21 at 21:30

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Rik The PoetBay support member heart!
Yeah there's definetly something about em that's for sure. The title caught my attention and the poem was a good read. Conjured good images and emotions.