...simply read :)

Chocolate Covered Cyanide

In the back of my head,
there's the echo of three words.

Words used in all self-contentment,
whispered by devils,
seeking to flee.

Ignorance is bliss.

On my lips there's the bitter,
angry pouting of a day when smiling hurts.

Quivering my lips to see your falling,
you think of fleeing life,
reality is being free.

Bliss precedes indulgence.

Your hands linger, on the box,
filled with tiny tasty death treats.

One last time reflecting,
life, days passed, flashes,
slowly before you.

Indulgence carries guilt.

A pain inexplicably deep,
takes a hold of your heartbeats.

The desire, primal need,
once begged to be released,
"this I must do".

Guilt weighs down.

Dip the tip of your tongue,
in the melted chocolate shell.

Your hands cradling your ticket,
away from heaven, but out of hell.

Down seeps the cyanide.

Auterkeia Nihil

May 2007

Poetry by Autie
Read 1404 times
Written on 2007-05-09 at 23:11

Tags Cyanide  Life  Chocolate 

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Rob Graber
Hi, Autie! Hauntingly good write...