this is how you caught me and turned me to who I am now A thirstful lush for pain and griefe isn't that what you wanted me to be like you????

Your Sweetest Kill....Me

My movements make no sound.
My footsteps quick and light...
I glide on down the darkened street
Accompanied by night.
Passing mortal strangers
Who look the other way,
I'm intoxicated by their scent.
These creatures are my prey.
I stop beneath a streetlamp
Where they can view my face.
Seeing my unnatural skin,
They soon quicken their pace.
Their cowardess amuses me.
Those eyes so full of fear.
I throw my head back, and I laugh
For all of them to hear.
Stepping from the light,
I'm hidden by the dark.
Continuing along my path,
I reach a lonely park.
Sitting on a wooden bench,
A girl cries silently.
Her face is streaked with salty tears.
She fails to notice me.
Her eyes are tightly shut.
Her body shakes with sobs,
Yet still I hear her beating heart.
Within her chest, it throbs.
Slowly, I approach her
Until I'm by her side.
Admiring her tender cheeks,
I see her tears have dried.
I move my face in towards her neck
And hover for awhile.
Much to my surprise, I see
Her frown turn to a smile.
She looks directly at me,
Her eyes of deepest blue...
With the softest lips I've ever seen
She mouths the words "Thank you."
I sink my teeth into her flesh.
On blood is what I thrive.
I drink till I can drink no more.
Again, I am alive.

Poetry by TeeTee
Read 1119 times
star mini Editors' choice
Written on 2007-06-11 at 13:56

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Brielle Guesstell
This is really cool! I love it! Keep writing!

Rob Graber
Whoa, line 40 is a killer! Ghastly tale, well told...

Amanda K
This is well-penned but a bit vague. Admired your narrative skill.


Ronan Ferdinand
The best one..
Keep on..

took me to another realm
you've got skill girl keep writing

Loved the way this flowed. Wicked write :) well done

Another Favorite Indeed...

Masterfully Expressed!!!!