I sit and wonder, torn by my desires. So much to do, so much to experience and so much to live for. Why am I sitting down, letting life pass me by? Why am I allowing it all to simply be out of reach?To dare take the step, to do it all to get what you want. How hard it is to give up security, to give up what is, for what might be. I feel trapped, like a coward, hiding in my safe shell. Outside my walls, life continues, no matter what I do. It seems I am not taking part, that just out of reach, just outside my window everything happens.
I tell myself that soon I will be there, outside with the others, drinking in what life is really like. But how many times have I not told myself the same? How many times have I locked myself in my shell? Why does it seem that everyone but me has a true life, that they are truly what they are supposed to be?
I sit here and wonder, more of life passing by as I do. I suppose I'll step outside soon, but for now.... I will wait.
Words by QuiZZer
Read 1218 times
Written on 2007-08-21 at 23:31
Tags Life  Choices 
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