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Member since 2005-11-20
Has written 14 comments

Has received 1 applaud

You are my dream


39 years old from

MY TEXTS, Archive 26 Texts

Choices - 2007-08-21
Struggles of life - 2007-05-19
Love is cruel (1) - 2007-01-21
Love sick. (2) - 2006-10-29
Sounds of love (5) - 2006-10-26
Love (3) - 2006-08-22
Earth and humans (4) - 2006-07-03
About Life! (2) - 2006-06-20
Dating, a horror for the shy. (4) - 2006-06-05
My Sister (4) - 2006-03-19
The Night (2) - 2006-03-14
Rain! (4) - 2006-02-28
20 Years (5) - 2006-02-23
Maria Mena (2) - 2006-02-16
My Enemy - 2006-02-16
Somtimes I feel like the swimmer.... (2) - 2006-02-16
Mind and Heart (1) - 2006-02-03
Love and Time (7) - 2005-12-07
New times (4) - 2005-12-07
Mind in turmoil (4) - 2005-11-23

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