I Ask Myself

Before i sleep at night, i always ask my self...


I am down,
So down,
I am a hurricane coming to rest.

I am tired,
So tired,
I am a helpless trying to do his best.

I am hurt,
So hurt,
I am a bird with a broken wing.

I am depressed,
So depressed,
I am the lyrics from pain i sing.

I am lonely,
So lonely,
I am a distant undiscovered shore.

I am dead,
So dead,
I am a life nobody is looking for.


And yet no answers reached, i guess there are no answers.



Poetry by MAXreturns
Read 986 times
Written on 2007-09-11 at 23:39

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Elle The PoetBay support member heart!
Max, that is the downtime before bed - we all have it - I go to bed, I am insomniac so I don't sleep well, but I still go to bed and I lie there, but I will not let myself go to bed with sadness and bitterness. My Papa once said, never go to bed angry with a child - be cross before, then love - it is love that is remembered in the morning,

Hope that helps

Elle x