Miss You Baby...

Your soft delicate touch

Your tender innocent eyes

The word " Papa"

That I am missing so much

Your sweet words when you act wise

I miss you baby...so much

Behold this universe from my soul

Sweet baby, catch me whenever i fall

Into those seas of depression and pain

Sweet baby, will i see you ever again

I feel the breeze whispering your name

When you are born, life is never the same

Flowers will bloom and perfumes will reveal

Vanillas will colour this earth, so real

Mezmerizing me with your eyes

Taking me into place i can't relize

Oh sweet baby, how much i miss you

I would embrace you in my arms

If i just knew,

We will meet in heaven under the blue sky

Untill then baby, for me please don't cry..

I am there for you whenever you call

In me you live,



And Soul....

Your Father


Poetry by MAXreturns
Read 1284 times
Written on 2007-09-11 at 01:07

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A tender text so filled with the love and devotion only a parent can relate too..... the love for a child really is something else and you've expressed it very well.
Wonderful write here.