Despair Ridden Hearts...

Run you fellow out of there,
Protect your soul, No would dare,
War had begun and the blood will flow,
Tongue tie with chains, no man can say NO,
The day has come when the devils wins,
Heart black as tar, so full of sins.

It is god will and his desire,
But why burn our success in fire,
Eyes sealed no more can they see
Just put yourself in my shoes, just be me
Torture it was from years ago,
A mile can't they move, a mile more they can't go.

Time passed, year after year,
Every second we experienced worry and fear,
We are just watching, are we going to keep on so?
We just see poeple dying, pass them and go.

Merciless we have become,
More of this is just dump,
War destroying everything, our souls are for us to defend,
A viciouc circle and an endless human trend.

Poetry by MAXreturns
Read 1219 times
Written on 2007-09-13 at 21:21

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