The first part is Max the second is Spell...
I would like to say thank you Spell, u have been my inspiration...

Melancholy blues...Part II...Co-written *Spell Of Charm* and *Max*

Melancholy Blues...

A tone to remind of what was dream

Oh i wish it was true

This sad tones of mine

Is forever gloomy and blue...

I still feel her embrace...

Her delicate touch...

The kisses on my face...

The cigar still gives me tears in my eyes
Never did i tell you any last goodbyes


Can you vanish my silent cries for her?

And my blues goes on
with a melancholy tone

Still I see her before me
Standing there with her beautiful smile
As i reach out for her touch
Forgive this foolish heart of mine

My voice carrys the pain
As my blues tell of our story
Of a man who loved a woman
A lovers passionate jorney

Tears fall from my eyes
Years had gone by

Still my blues goes on
with a melancholy tone...




Poetry by MAXreturns
Read 1235 times
Written on 2007-08-20 at 08:53

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