Expecting myself to answer

Maybe it's because they did it
Maybe it's because they bled
Maybe it's because they died
for Love
They didn't die for love, you say
They died for passion
in the battle against ignorance
Maybe they died for starlight
in the lack of sunlight

I close my eyes and remember
that nothing was ever like this
You don't really exist, you know
You're just a reflexion in the mirror glass
My naked body through the surface
of almost cold bath water
The thin ray of light
let into a dark room
You are me

Maybe you're born with eyelids
because part of you
Wants them stapled to the cheek bones
Maybe you don't have a heart
until you give it to someone else

Poetry by Julia Felicia
Read 589 times
Written on 2007-12-19 at 17:27

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