Go on and judge me, for I am a poet

I'd give my body to a stranger
I'd give my thoughts to anyone
in case they'd understand

I'll seek the light 'til I find it
even though I know
it'll be a relative forever
I'd give my heart to who ever
who ever heard it sing

So my body will be scattered
My thoughts will be rejected
I will be laughed at, yes
My life will be illusionary
fairytale-like public property

Yet I will be the poet
And you will be the judges

I'll live my life in vision of pure love
for a relative forever
But you will only see the light
and bouncing
between the walls of your cardboard box

I might end up whithout a heart
but at least I let it sing

Poetry by Julia Felicia
Read 602 times
Written on 2007-12-19 at 18:01

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Very Nicely Expressed.