So this is a rework of an old poem I lost the text to after I tried to have it published in a collection of poems from various writers. I never got the book for it, so I have no idea if it ever showed up, so I've written a new version.

Your nothing

What I would do to be your anything,
an object, a toy, a friend, a lover,
your one and only, your special something,
someone you'd have a hard time getting over,

If only I could be your anything,
I'd be all the things they are not,
all the little things you keep forgetting,
all the moments that fade, the ones you let rot,

I would be such a special something,
to be a thing you'd never regret,
never leaving you wanting, needing, or mourning,
to be something you'd never remember or ever forget,

I could be all the things you never wanted,
I'd be special, unique, wouldn't I be something,
like a quiet ghost, in a house that's haunted,
I'd never hurt, betray or leave you if I was your nothing.

Poetry by Gothic geisha
Read 231 times
Written on 2021-11-04 at 19:16

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