I set out to write something new, something with a vague meaning, but still able to grasp it's symbolism, i drew upon black bird myths and legends.
originally inspired by a friend who i was having a falling out with, who would give too little but expect

Black Bird

hey you little black bird,made up of 40 more from baked pies
how did you steal all those flames, as they baptize,
Rook takes pawn, my defenses were caving,
so help your self to my organs, with your carrion craving,

your 3 legs trampled, over all i had gambled, and i sit here eating crow,
you circle like a halo, in the mid day glow, how apropos.
it's clear we don't live forever, but you're birds of a feather,
fed to your children in mouth fulls, baked beneath the sun like leather,

peck, scratch and dig, in my hair you've turned in to your nest,
all those words i fixed to your legs, you ripped and fixed to the rest,
rotting in the land of badb, hoping for rain to clean the stink,
but my black little heart, bubbled and melted in to ink for you to drink.

Poetry by Gothic geisha
Read 1035 times
Written on 2012-08-18 at 12:47

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