All rights reserved, © Edgar John Jackson/Rhyme-music-2008.
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Oh Father

Some tears bring me back my past and my story
I don't pretend to make it my best glory
I just write what I've missed through the saddest years
I was scared and shy in front of my fears
I never heard his inner voice saying
"I am here; I will never let you alone fighting"
"You can run I will always take your hand"
But he left and now I don't understand

Oh father, I have grown
I ain't that child you did leave
Oh father, I have known
In you, I did not have to believe.

So father, I missed you
Since you were not in front of me
You had me, you hurt me
No memories that belong to you
I have no ideas about your face
I was not your goal on this place
Oh man, oh father I missed you.

I was so weak but now I am stronger
Life is shorter but I will make it longer
I never saw your face in the crowd
You never heard me when I did cry load
And this day is making hate bigger.

My mother was strong to go on through thick and thin
You left us but she never gave in
She found strengthens to help me what I am
And because of her I can be proud of who I am.

Oh father, she and I
Travel to the place where we never cry
Oh father, don't come back
I've learned you're my own lack.

So father, you left me
You took your love and went away
What I am, it's what you see
I don't have to take it away
I don't thank you anyway
Of father, oh man, get away!

All my whole life I've learned
That bridge has been burned
This is the page I've ever turned.

For every tear I have cried I've forgotten
That day I never had with you
It's over, and I have taken
My own way so far from you and you

Poetry by Edgar John Jackson
Read 947 times
Written on 2008-03-13 at 03:45

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