inspired by Celtic Boy's 'Why?' and Marie's 'How'
[ 2 must read poems]

There can be no good answer to the question 'Why?'

There can be no good answer to the question 'why?',
because sometimes that answer,
is not the answer that WE want to hear.

We can not know the answer to the 'Why?',
of a loved one not reaching out for help,
as sometimes, in our hearts, we know,
that the answer is not the one we want.

At times, in life, we can not fathom,
the 'Why?' of things that people do,
that are incomprehesable to me and you.

But sometimes knowing the answer to 'Why?",
is the worst answer we can get,
as it can, at times, do more damage to our head
then not knowing the answer ever could,
for it can still leave us wondering.....
Why wasn't there SOMETHING we could have done.


Poetry by liz munro The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 450 times
Written on 2006-01-14 at 03:28

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This poem is so true...I especially love the part:

"for it can still leave us wondering.....
Why wasn't there SOMETHING we could have done."

Thanx for saying my poem is a must read by the way :)))
Yours is too!

Zoya Zaidi
Yes! it is true the answer to"Why?"
Can be very painful,
That does not mean we do not ask,
the inevitable"why?"
'Cause clue to life is held, my dear,
In these "Hows?" & "Whys?"
Wether you want, or you don't,
You have to know the "why"!
Question we must ask, all the time,
"Why?"& "How?"
And if we get an undesirable answer,
Face the truth and ask
again:"Why?" & "How?"
But some times the answer can
be very desirable too...

Do I make any sense Liz?
I soppose, I can ask again:"Why
must I make sense?"
And if I want to make sense,then:
"How must I make sense?"

Thoroughly cofused you!
Haven't I ?

(((((Hugs for that thought provoking poem any way)))))
ps.Read my:"I often wonder...", if you find time, I have my own take on the "Why?"

Love, and all the best!!!